Monday, August 30, 2010

Heading toward a Simpler Life

I have noticed I have too many moving parts in my life. I realize I have spent most of my life accumulating all these 'parts' and spent a lot of money to get these 'parts'. But in the end I am really not happy having them maintaining them, having to clean them or worse yet listening to my husband complain about cleaning them storing them or buying them.
So what to do now?

Downsizing seems to be the only option that gives me a sense of peace.
But to get to that Peace I have to sell or give away all the stuff and though I have already started in some small ways I am revving this up and getting this 'Simpler Life' train moving along.

Along the way I am going to look for ways to save money, be more present in what I am doing on a daily basis and feel better, emotionally and physically in the entire process.

This blog was created a year ago for me to write random thoughts and now it will be morphed into a place for me to keep track of what I am doing in a more consistent, focused and fun way.
now, how to change the name....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Anger - Resentment -Life

Have you ever noticed you can just be boppin' through life smelling the roses, enjoying things around you and for some strange reason in a flash you can suddenly feel angry or resentful.
I go through this myself and I see my kids & husband do it too.
So where does this anger come from?
Why do we go through this?
Why be angry at all? What purpose does it serve?

Have you ever wondered why you get angry or maybe why you don't get angry? I know people whom I have never seen furious or angry in any way. They seem to simply blip through life between good and okay good and okay.
Not me!!
I have had times in my life I have ben so ecstatic I could hardly control myself, thinking I would spontaneously combust with excitement and then been so depressed or angry I thought I would never crawl out of the hole of despair I was in. I see those people who never seem to go to the far reaches of emotion like I do and wonder how so they stay so close in the middle? Why is it I feel such magnificent swings and they are able to stay 'balanced'.
Then one day it started to sink in.
Just a little at a time.
One little bit....
then more...
then it started to all make sense.
We are all so very different. Yeah, Yeah, I know we can see it all on the outside, but as different as we are on the outside - so we are on the inside as well.
So different that is has created a wonderful word for us to explore and learn from and - yes - have FUN in!
If everyone was like me then I could not be propelled into learning more.
If we were all like the balanced ones we would not know EXCITEMENT in such a profound way.
If we were all like we would move forward at a snails pace if at all.

We are all here for a reason, when we come into duality we forget the plan we so carefully laid out from our place of Oneness. We came to have fun - we came to explore -we came to be what we planned to Be. There is no judgement in God's eyes, no matter what God you believe in. Judgement is handed down by people, by us, the ones who have forgotten.
The best news is
We planned it that way!!!
If we remembered exactly why we came - if we remembered the 'plan' after we came it would not be nearly as much fun.
We would not have the thrill of the chase. Or the satisfaction of the catch, or the disappointment in the loss, which would propel us into trying again.

Imagine sitting down for a game of Poker, or any game for that matter, and knowing exactly how each card was going to be dealt, knowing how much money you would have at any point in the game, and so on...
Would it be fun?
Would you know the thrill of coming close to losing everything only to come back as the one with the most?
Would you have a terrific story to tell?
Life is a game.
We don't always know where it will take us when we sit down to play but if we don't play we don't feel the thrill. And life is in the thrill. We relive the thrill every time.

If you don't like how your cards landed take your turn for now, making the best of it for NOW, then deal again.
You can change anything you want anytime you like... any time.
It has been said so many times in so many ways but it's worth repeating yet again...
Change your thoughts and you can change your life.
It only takes one little thought practiced more and more and more. A belief is only a thought you continue to think.
Life is a game.
Have fun.
Go beyond.
Live..... it's worth it.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Feel it

There are people who want to be happy and there are people who don’t. Why do we try so hard to make people fit in the box we are in at the time. We do it with religion, we do it moods etc. So many times we are feeling really good and on top of the world and someone comes into our experience who is not feeling so good. We look at them and call them depressing, we tell them to buck up and find something to feel good about, to feel grateful for or to appreciate and most times we can’t help them. They cannot get to where we are in the few moments we are together and talking to them.

Why do we feel the need to have everyone line up and be in the same place at the same time?

Personally I am glad we aren’t all in the same place at the same time or life would be rather boring. Really!

We cannot appreciate the sunlight when we have no rain, and we cannot appreciate the rain when we have sun all day long. Isn’t it magnificent to watch a sunrise? and then a sunset?

You never see people look at the sun and say “why do you leave us in the dark?” You simply know there is something to appreciate at night, the moon the stars and the fact our bodies are conditioned to rest better in the dark than in the light, etc.

If you aren’t sometimes feeling depressed you cannot appreciate how good it feels to be happy.

If you have never been hungry how can you appreciate food?

There is an opposite to every single thing. Everything.

People will not be depressed forever, and they won’t be happy every single moment of the day. If we could somehow take away the judgement and say to them or simply ourselves

‘okay this is where you are right now and I know you won’t be here forever - I’m sure there is something you are learning from this or you wouldn’t be here’

you would likely see the resistance fall off of them. No one WANTS to feel bad, but if we don’t allow them - and ourselves- the opportunity to feel the bad sometimes we cannot ever really feel the good times. And they are such GOOD times!!


Possibilities are endless…

Thoughts are powerful…

We can create anything we want.

Have you watched a movie and thought?

Have you read a book and pictured what you read then taken it beyond?

Have you ever had a dream and wondered if it could ever come true?

We are much more than we see in these flesh and bone bodies, we are much more than we think in our brains. Have you ever let you mind wander…. really wander?

What did you see?

What did you feel?

What did you ‘know’?

Have you ever sat in a mood of appreciation and before you realized it you couldn’t find anything ‘wrong’ in your life? You couldn’t find anything to be mad at or disappointed in? We are here for a much bigger reason than just to exist on a planet. We are here to learn, to explore, to play. Every single thing happens for a reason. Everything. Some are big things and some are so small they seem insignificant. But - the insignificant ones sometimes turn into the ones which are the most grand.

I have been taking small steps for many years now. Some so small I seem to be standing still. But, I never stopped, even though sometimes I wanted to - many times I wanted to. I keep going, I keep stepping and I keep appreciating the things around me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heaven and Hell

After years of Christian schools and church services and Sunday school. I felt a calling to find out more. At the time didn't know what the more was or even where to start looking. So I simply asked the question one night while watching a beautiful full moon in the sky. "There has to be something else, there has to be something I am missing, what is it?" That simple question has led me on an amazing journey of discovery. Several years later I am still on the journey and discovering more and more all the time.
Recently I was pushed hard against for not being a Christian. I was told I would go to hell. I was told Jesus would strike me down with a sword. I honestly had to laugh out loud as I believe there is no such place we are sent after death. I also believe Jesus would never come back as a vengeful Being. After all, he taught us to turn the other cheek and was one of the greatest healers of our world.
I have come to believe we make our own hell here on earth, just as we make our own heaven. AND not to mention my Episcopalian Grandmother used to tell me all the time "Honey, heaven and hell are right here one earth and when we die we will simply be at peace." I trusted you then but didn't realize just how right you were at the time. Now I do. Now I know. Now I believe I create my own reality. I have proof of it daily and as I watch other people I can see it in their lives as well. What an amazing gift you gave me so very long ago. Thank you.

In thinking about all of this I realized something rather significant to me. If Christianty is the 'true' religion why are there so many different sects and denominations? Also why do they tend to try so hard to find fault with the other? Why do so many people who just truly want to be happy and find peace within what they believe, push so hard against others that it causes war to erupt? I believe one reason is for the pleasure of coming back into alignment with who you really are. If we didn't have religion then we would not have so many people asking if there is something more. In order for us to grow we must experience contrast. In order for us to learn we must experience a lack of knowing or confusion. There is always something more to learn as we are an evolving species. I do appreciate Christians for what they believe and I am thrilled they can find something that soothes their soul gives them something to look forward to. Everyone should be able to find alignment within themselves. Everyone, no exception. I applaud the Buddhists, the Muslims, The Catholics and the Jews, and so many more I can't name. Everyone should be able to know God in their own way without anyone contradicting them. I also applaud those who want to believe simply in the spirituality of themselves. Those who believe they are an extension of God and that God is not something outside of them, but that God resides within them. What greater gift than to be free. What greater gift than to be left to what we feel is right for us. What greater gift to be able to come together and learn about other religions and non religions and come away with knowledge. We can all come together in love and harmony. That's what I believe and that's what I know. I don't care what your belief system is, if you find harmony and peace within it then it is right for you, and that is all that matters.
May you all be Blessed.
May you all find Peace.
May you all experience the unconditional love of the God you believe in.

We each have our own Filters

Have you ever been standing right next to someone and you are both looking at the same exact thing but you see it differently?? Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and walk away not understanding at all what they were talking about? Isn't it amazing that we don't all see things the same way?
We have two eyes,
two ears and a brain, but fortunately for us they work differently!

It's it a fantastic thing that we can view one situation from many many different angles and never see it quite the same. This is how we grow, this is how we expand, this is how we learn. We are all blessed with a guidance system, some call it soul, some call it God, it can be and is called by many different names, but it all comes from the same source. And if you were to witness someone physically touch the place they feel their guidance come from, it's usually in the same place, the solar plexus. That's why they call it a "gut feeling".

Relationships - for better or worse???

We as human beings have relationships with everything around us. We have a relationship with our mate, our mother & father, our siblings, our kids and so on and so on. We even have a relationship with ourselves.
Have you ever thought about the relationship you have with yourself?
How do you feel about you?
Are you critical, are you accepting, are you loving to you, or do you tend to 'beat' yourself up about things you think are wrong with you or that you think you do wrong?
Sometimes if we look at the relationship we have with ourselves we can see it reflected in those who surround us.
We can only attract what is active within us.
What is showing up for you?